Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Thing #21*

Photostory is a really easy way to make a multimedia presentation! It's so simple to use, and even comes with some effects and things to put on the pictures. You can make a slideshow about anything in just minutes! Easy cheesy! And a lot of fun! I liked it.

But I couldn't get my photostory to upload, so I just took some of my recent pictures of random things, added some effects, and since I don't have a microphone I uploaded a song as the background. Not as exciting, but still fun! It definitely took the video FOR-EV-ER to upload, though.

*I came back to this post, so I changed the time stamp to keep them in order.

1 comment:

  1. humm...says it is not currently available.
    Yes, sometimes it does Take Blogger a long time to upload a PS evenwhen you know it is the correct format.
    But you have now got expereince with it and can make some under less stressful situations!
